понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

dire straits walk of life lyrics

Friday I went to the Redman and Method Man Concert @ Nokia Theatre. Got mistaken for Raekwon of the Wu-Tang Clan like 2 Times even though me and him look nothing alike. I got to see this new artis Termanology rock the spot something wicked after a long hearsay line this big. Finally copped the record. Shit is official. Itapos;s painfully disturbing to me how much good music goes under the radar.

Also sneaking in the who crawled up from under the rock file with a performance filled with vocal tracks that made up for no lack of presence and whack dirty south wannabe tracks. None other than your boy Shyheim (aka Sky from Robert Townsendapos;s apos;The Parent Hood) Iapos;m not hating, the best thing about him even being there was his Gear. Orange and Blue Mets Jacket set the night off right. But other than that, didnapos;t The RZA and Raekwon diss this cat? And isnapos;t it cool being 28 and having old school records when you were 10 years old? And not even being paid for them? Even more...Isnapos;t it cool to once have been considered to be on Jay-Zapos;s debut LP Reasonable Doubt but you was like naw, Iapos;m fuckinapos; with the Wu right now on something get back to me later Jay.

Just a thought though. This was like what apos;95. The Wu were in that fight for control of NY. Rae and Ghost were like the Kings at this moment and come on...RZAapos;s production at that time? Ridiculous.

Iapos;m just sayinapos;. I probably wouldapos;ve been tempted to deal with the Wu too. But yo, ultimately...Itapos;s like this dude is from Brooklyn. I donapos;t know, but it probably messes with dude a little bit everyday. Or probably not, and he keeps it moving with new solutions for bruisinapos; Bruins. It might be that simple. Not enough time in the world to reflect on the past.

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

atmosphere pressure measurement

OMFreaginGod. Iapos;m so freaginapos; tired Iapos;ve been working like almost every weekend. Gosh~ But then again.. Itapos;s something that I love doing, so yea.. I have no regrets abt it.

Iapos;ve decided that itapos;s quite hard for me to go for the HK trip. Financial and leave issues. But iapos;m saving up for a taiwan trip next year. So if anyoneapos;s interested... We can go together??

Iapos;m currently doing the behind the scenes for this new channel 8 drama called Reunion Dinner. Itapos;s another typical family show produced by mediacorp.zzz. Going for an outdoor shoot tmr. The rundown seems quite interesting... Hopefully i can get more clips out of the footages i capture tmr...

Iapos;m so looking forward to this coming week, especially fri. I really hope things will turn out fine and resume to its original state. Iapos;ve got an answer, do you? Weapos;ll see.

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Nowadays the process of globalization can not be denied. We are all able to see the fast growing dependence of different states, multinational organizations from each other in economical, political or social spheres. It is the so called process of globalization. To my mind, what is concerning diplomacy itself, it is a result of globalization, an integral part of it. Now, on the political stage all actors, such as countries (no matter big or small, powerful or not), inter-governmental or non-governmental organizations try to seek the most acceptable possibilities to maintain their goals and satisfy their interests and needs. In this case diplomacy is the art of conducting negotiations. On the other hand, it is also an instrument of our society of ldquo;keeping peacerdquo;. So, the existence of such phenomenon as diplomacy arouses many questions, that is: what does it mean, what spheres of our life and knowledge does it cover, who is a diplomat and what kind of character should he possesshellip;
To begin with, it is important to say few words about the history of diplomacy, from which part of the world it takes its origins. The ability to practice diplomacy is one of the defining elements of a state, and diplomacy has been practiced since the formation of the first city-states. Originally diplomats were sent only for specific negotiations, and would return immediately after their mission concluded. Diplomats were usually relatives of the ruling family or of very high rank in order to give them legitimacy when they sought to negotiate with the other state. Modern diplomacyapos;s origins are often traced to the states of Northern Italy in the early Renaissance, with the first embassies being established in the thirteenth century. Milan played a leading role, especially under Francesco Sforza who established permanent embassies to the other cities states of Northern Italy. It was in Italy that many of the traditions of modern diplomacy began, such as the presentation of an ambassadorapos;s credentials to the head of state. The practice spread from Italy to the other European powers. Milan was the first to send a representative to the court of France in 1455. Soon all the major European powers were exchanging representatives. Spain was the first to send a permanent representative when it appointed an ambassador to the Court of England in 1487. By the late 16th century, permanent missions became the standard.(according to the Wikipedia) So, we may see, that the need to exchange representatives on the state level arouses in the 15th century after geographical openings, during the appearance of empires, trade development, as the states interests began to clash.
Nowadays, the profession of a diplomat is rather important. There are specific institutions an almost every modern state. They say a diplomat must possess a range of personal and professional characteristics. First of all, it is loyalty. Loyalty to the interests of your state, firstly, and only then your own. To be a diplomat means to serve your country. Then goes responsibility, persistence, boldness, courage, mobility, desire to get knowledge, not to stay on the same level, but move, move and move. Be ambitious, strong-willed, confident, on the one hand. And on the other hand, do not forget to be thoughtful of your country, conscious and careful. Among professional skills I should mention ability to communicate with everybody, be tolerant to other nations and cultures, competences in your sphere of work.
To my mind, up-today diplomacy and diplomacy itself has got many problems. As we know from the world history there have been many conflicts, which such organizations as the League of Nations and the United Nations could not foresee. As a result ndash; WWI, WWII and many local conflicts nowadays, that begin to become global. Today is the century of global problems, that is ecological, economic crises, the problem of sovereignty, human rights, the so called dissemination of democratic values by one state, when it even does not ask the permission of social community and simply uses its force power in order to reach its aims. And what does diplomacy have to do? Nothing. All modern politicians are masters of the orator`s art. But when the time to act comes, they are in many times powerless. To make a conclusion, I would like to say, that our modern society is changing, as well as our minds. In this case the system of peace-keeping and diplomacy has to change as well.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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"Dude, Thompson is dead."

� These were the trembling words I heard from my cheap ass Motorola cell phone on February 21, 2005. I was enroute on North Highway 51 out of Carbondale when my old friend Marilyn called me and told me Hunter S. Thompson had taken the business end of a .45 caliber into his mouth and shot himself out of this world. My first thought was "Well if anyone was to take him out it would have been him." The�sadness was exacerbated by the fact�I was leaving Carbondale to come back to the area where I was raised in the Clay/Richland County area of Illinois. I fought vehemently for years to get out of�this area only to be pulled back in. Down in�Carbondale the cultural atmosphere�opened up previously locked channels in my�head and�allowed even more abstract ideas to drift through the transom of�my smalltown conditioned mind. Thompson was a big part of this awakening.�That weekend a lot of things changed. Although I only knew Thompson through his writing I felt a tremendous loss one can only feel after the death of a loved one. Now, 3 years later that shower of fire that rushed all over my body when "his spirit" imbibed me is still burning. However, it burns as an�eternal flame for the man that had all the fun he could for himself and all of us. Its true what Bill Murray told Johnny Depp that "once you let Thompson into your being...you will become him off and on whether you want to or not for the rest of your life."

�� My first introduction to Thompson came around 1991 when Rolling Stone re-ran the "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" serial. The thing that caught my eye was Ralph Steadmanapos;s illustrations. I had never seen anything like that in my 13 years. All these "bodies" artistically emaciated and gross. At this point I had NO experience with drugs but, Thompson�told his tale�so well that no drugs�were needed. The amazing thing about "Fear and Loathing..." was that you could share the same mind set without the substances. The substance was the substance. Here it was...mashed in between articles about Bon Jovi and "CK Obsession" ads. Itapos;s true the world was changing and this seemed to be the last bit of evidence that a world of undiscovered art from the past laid dormant and was eventually struck from our culture. I began a love affair with the happenings of the mid to late 1960s. The idea of a youthful revolution was so attractive to me. They tried it in the 60s with their so-called counterculture ideals and new morals. Ken Kesey and the Merry Pranksters drove around the country teaching people not to be afraid of themselves and instructed all of them�then and all of us now to "kiss you brains goodbye...to get nekkid and freak freely." The revolution was about personal discovery and personal enjoyment. These freaky forefathers told the world that the farty old guard was wrong and that life could be lived on a level that few could even fathom but it was obtainable and very real. Thompson came out�of this movement and was on the verge of turning 30 during the clanging and banging of it all. He was in the middle which�was the perfect vantage point for his purposes it afforded him the opportunity to witness the essence of the youth movement and at the same time he possessed the mind�of an already seasoned observer and then was able to write about it.�He was in fact the man for all seasons. The late 1960apos;s needed him and essentially chose him.�

��� In 1998 came "Fear and Loathing..." the movie. I watched it the first time with Marilyn and was completely blown away by all the performances and was amazed by the way they were actually able to capture the spirit of the book and the spirit of the time the book was written in such a devious digestable way. This movie opened up a new interest in Thompson and proved to a lot of younger folks that were nothing more than a wet dream when Hunter was moving around in his hay day and�that this brilliant force was still a very viable source of alternative point of view. In essence, to me he was the elder statesman of the weird...crazy poet that had his very own voice in his writings it was a very personal and individual voice that said the things most couldnapos;t verbalize.

��� We lost one of our greats that day in February. The literary world has been reduced to just a few money making authors and that culture of the 60s is all but gone. The farty old guard is still in charge but now has a trained monster to make sure all is lame and sanitary. Evil bastard poison toads now sit outside all our windows and croak the death song of an idea and we all enjoy our plastic existance so long as we are not asked to think or feel. When Thompson died I believe�a little bit of everyone that was touched by him went with him. We almost had to go with him.�3 years ago�I was in my mid 20s and now I am on the verge of 30. The years have taught�me that anything interesting or cool can be easily brought down by�the old and lame or the majority. Weapos;ll never have another Hunter Thompson...never.

�February 16th, 2005 --"Football Season Is Over."� by HST.

"No More Games. No More Bombs. No More Walking. No More Fun. No More Swimming. 67. That is 17 years past 50. 17 more than I needed or wanted. Boring. I am always bitchy. No Fun -- for anybody. 67. You are getting Greedy. Act your old age. Relax -- This wonapos;t hurt."

Rest In Peace -- Hunter Stockton Thompson

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alligator eats jogger

My girlfriend, Lorna, has a deep reverence for life- or at least a strong aversion to death. Unfortunately, she also has a strong aversion to most creepy-crawly things, which means that a moral crisis arises every time a bug, no matter its size, finds its way into her apartment. I am generally happy to play the role of non-lethal bug-rehabitator, relocating insects from the hostile environment of her apartment to the wild outdoors. However, I am not without my own compulsions, and so there is one bug that I refuse to peaceably remove. All spiders, no matter how small, must be killed. I refuse to harmlessly move our ancient enemy, the arachnid. Normally, this bothers lorna, but her fear of the insects gets in the way of her fear of hurting them, so she solves the problem very effectively by leaving the room and pretending she doesnapos;t know whatapos;s going on (stomping, smashing, burning, freezing, flushing, etc.). Ignorance is bliss; feigned ignorance is... The next best thing.
Sometimes even feigned ignorance is not an option, though. Like yesterday, when lorna discovered a black widow (ach and a big one) living in the corner outside the door, its web actually encompassing the doorframe. I myself was briefly incapacitated by the discovery of the deadly encroacher. My ordinary methods of personal combat, hitting with a shoe until dead, were rendered ineffective by this most terrifying of foes-- hitting with a shoe until dead-- requires a degree of personal proximity that I wasnapos;t prepared to take. Hitting the monster with a broom would have been risky enough. What we needed was a mantis.
Aside: few weeks ago, I had about thirty bugs- spiders, daddy longlegses, other crawlers- living in the area around the entryway to my house. One morning on my way to work, I noticed a big green preying mantis sitting on the door, praying. By the time I got back from work, every single one of those bugs was gone, as was the mantis. A bug with an enormous apetite and mad skills at kung-fu, the mantis is the type of insect I like. He might even have been a match for ms. Widow, if he was bold enough to penetrate her webby lair.
Sadly, we couldnapos;t find one of these heroic bugs, so I was forced to decide, reluctantly, and reluctantly forced lorna to agree with me, that chemical warfare was the only option. Itapos;s always a risky proposition using insecticides, and itapos;s one I avoid whenever possible. First there are the moral issues- although really, how much honor can we afford to have when fighting as honorless an enemy as the spider? Second the possibilities of grim repercussions, like accidentally poisoning yourself, or, worse, the spiders getting hold of the poison and spraying you to death when you least expect it. Worst of all, though, are the risks demonstrated to us by science. Scientists have discovered that bacteria, exposed frequently to penicillin, develop an immunity to it. By exposing our ancient enemy to manmade poisons, we risk creating, at length, the Super-Spider: immune to all forms of poison, and resistant to stomping. Yes, itapos;s possible that being bitten by the super-spider would turn us into spiderman- but itapos;s much more likely that it would just subject us to a fate worse than death (ie. Paralysis, while the fluids are gradually sucked out of you by the thirsty fangs of our foe).
In the case of the widow, the risks were warranted. A further spraying around the door, hopefully, will prevent others of its ilk from coming near. I canapos;t be certain, however. The only sure guard against the arachnid is Constant Vigilance
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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

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I think itapos;s strange how I can not see some of my friends for the longest time and still be able to pick up from where we left off, but yet with my family, not�really�seeing them for about a few weeks makes me feel like weapos;re�worlds apart. I havenapos;t had a chance to talk to my brother properly, heapos;s busy with work while Iapos;m off at school, and now we barely have anything to say to each other.

And because I know heapos;ll never see this, I miss you, Adrian Chng ):

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среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

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Doing calculus online is fucking bullshit. I nearly ripped my hair out. Thank you online homework.

i forgot that i have a proposal AND quiz due/in class tomorrow. Good job with the procrasination irmina.

i also dont know what the fuck is going on in economy. Good job, yet again, irmina.

i havent been doing my bullshit busy work in my bullshit busy work class either. Thrice now, good job irmina.

but in a literal and non sarcastic/bitter/vengeful way.. Good job irmina. You just scored a job that pays you 16 dollars an hour to do what you love more than anything.

life cannot be all that bad right?


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вторник, 14 октября 2008 г.

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You know, I spent most of the day thinking about what I would write here tonight; and to be perfectly honest I donapos;t think I have anything worth saying now. Everything has totally gone from my mind. I really want it to be Wednesday because we get our English books back from Mrs Stott and I want to see what sheapos;s written. I talked to her this morning about something that was in it, because Iapos;d written about how the Romantic Hero/Gothic Villain was usually my favourite character -- but that when it came to Victor Frankenstein I just didnapos;t feel the same. She seemed most happy when I explained about loving Snape, Darcy, Heathecliffe...etc...

Arg. I imagine there will be many non-sensical posts tomorrow as we have IT....TWICE. Woot.

Muchos LJapos;ing to be done with Hannah and Charlotte.

For now Iapos;ll just answer this survey to compensate.

Has anyone ever called you perfect before?
Not that I can recall. I mean, thatapos;s kind of a major thing to say about somebody.

Does it annoy you to see trashy girls get all the guys?
In a way it doesnapos;t, because a lot fo the guys Iapos;d go for arenapos;t into trashy girls; but then again some of them are. Iapos;d say Iapos;m just annoyed with trashy girls in general.

What song is stuck in your head?
apos;I Donapos;t Feel Like Loving You Todayapos; - Gretchen Wilson

Has anyone ever called you beautiful?

Someone knocks on your window at 2 am, who do you want it to be?
Richard...although how the hell he would get into my garden (let alone up to my window) is beyond me.

Wanna have kids before youapos;re 30?

Do you look more like your mom or dad?
Niether to be honest. I know I do have qualities of both; but nothing too refining.

Last item you bought yourself?
A book, of course. =]

Name something you have to do tomorrow?
School, go and see Blood Brothers

Are you currently wanting and piercings or tattoos?
Already got all of the piercings I might want; but I would love tattooapos;s someday.

Do you sleep on your side, stomach, or back?
Side normally.

What gets in your way of your sleeping?
Richard. Cannot.Stop.Thinking.About.That.Man.

Are your eyes the same color as your momapos;s or dadapos;s?
My mumapos;s.
Hazel is awesome.

Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?
Yes -- but mind you thatapos;s probably because I enhance them with make-up..

What makes you laugh?
Loads of things. Right now it would be that time when Mr Folliot had a post-it-note stuck to his ass in Maths.

Or when me and Annabelle just went totally hyper in Science and started laughing at everything.

Good times.

Are you self-concious?
Yes. More so than people know. Which is why I spend most of lunch and break doing my hair and make-up over again.

How do you vent anger?
I donapos;t. I canapos;t. Iapos;ve got WAY too many things to be angry about that venting it would take up too much time.

What is the worse feeling ever?
Knowing that I can never be with Richard.

What did you do today?
School. Duh.

What do you smell like?
Teddy Bears. Donapos;t ask why -- I wear my PJapos;s all the time at home and they always seem to smell of teddy bears.

Where did you get the underwear you are wearing right now?

What are you looking forward to in the next month?
Erm....Guy Fawkes Night. That guy was awesome.

apos;Remember, remember the fifth of November. The gunpowder treason and plot. I see no reason why the fifth of November should ever be forgot,apos;

Do you think you would make a good wife/husband?
I donapos;t want to sound arrogant; but probably. Iapos;m all too desperate for everlasting love, I love cooking and wouldnapos;t mind cleaning if it benefited me. Not to mention I want children and have motherly instincts.

Who have you texted in the last 24 hours?
Nobody....I havenapos;t used my phone for months

Do you think too much or too little?
I do have a minor tendency to overthink things.

Do you smile a lot?

Where did you get the shirt youapos;re wearing?
Underground in Southampton.

Are there things you canapos;t live without?
Yes. I wonapos;t list them...WAY too many.

What was your first thought when you looked in the mirror this morning?
apos;What is THAT? Is that a SPOT? OMFGapos;

Are you a morning person or a night person?

Who was your last missed call on your cell phone?

Do you drink tea?
All the freaking time.
Sweet tea is the nectar of the gods.
And I do adore coffee in the morning.

Have you ridden in someone elseapos;s car today?
Well...Iapos;ve been on the school bus...

What do you wear to bed?
PJ shorts and tank-top/band-T depending on how hot or cold it is.

Who sent you your last text message?

Are you a cuddler?
God, yes. Itapos;s a hobby. Although I tend not to hug my Swanmore friends like I would my college friends cause they seem all awkward.

Who was the last person you cried in front of?
Haha. I cry everyday. My last bout was earlier, and who should see but one of my brothers chavvy best friends.

Can you vote next election?

Do you talk about your feelings or hide them?
I hide them to everybody but my Shrink. I HAVE to tell her.

How did your day start off?
Badly. I had a dream where Richard walked into this room and said hello to me....AND THEN MY ALARM WENT OFF.

Whenapos;s the next time you will see the person you like?
Tomorrow...hopefully. ;)

Are you waiting for something?
Iapos;m waiting for my man.

Does anyone hate you?

Where are your siblings?
I have one sibling. Heapos;s in his room playing Xbox.

Are you happy with your life?
Your kidding, right?

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воскресенье, 12 октября 2008 г.

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I have been struggled against my writing malaise for some time - since February 14th if you were keen to know the date on which I was afflicted upon me - and during that time I have sat at my keyboard (or in front of a blank piece of paper) and written bits and pieces that seem apos;not meapos; somehow.

I have started stories and then ignored them which is, again, something that I find very apos;not meapos;. Once, long ago, I could come back to my stories I just write pages - even after weeks or months.

But I never finished any of them. Even before the accident I always got to a point where I was just writing and not telling a story.

I recently worked out that one of the reasons that I didnapos;t finish my stories was that I had tried reading the Lord of the Rings trilogy in high school and then in my twenties. And, oh my God, they sucked. Pages of mindless droning nothing followed by short bursts of violent actions to be followed by yet more pointless dribble. I never finished them - I got about halfway through the second one, whatever it was called, and just couldnapos;t force myself to open the bloody thing again.

Now the reason I mention this, is that the problem I have with my writing (or the problem that I once had when I was writing) is that I couldnapos;t force myself past the middle of the story. Even though I was writing it, I just couldnapos;t find anything in it worth continuing with.

Anyway, Iapos;m going now.
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